Another reason to go for a visit:
Right now, Tricia has a contest going on. Her newest design is the Happiness Bluebird. He makes me smile, he’s so cute. I guess it’s a he. I suppose he could be a girl. Anyway, the Happiness Bluebird makes me happy. And right now, if you do something to make the world a happier place, either with words or deeds, or if you have a simple way we can make the world a happier place, go leave a comment and share it on this post and you could receive a Happiness Bluebird baseball cap in white, a set of 10 Happiness Bluebird postcards, Happiness Bluebird stickers, & two packets of flower seeds (one for you, one to share).
The contest ends on April 30th. The winner will be announced May 2nd.
What else you can do:
- Print the Happiness Bluebird items from this blog (seed packets covers, tea packet covers, bookmarks, note cards, dot to dot). Use them, share them enjoy them!
- Invite a friend to share their ideas on happiness.Choose to be happy today, smile and spread the happiness wealth.
- Write to Tricia, and she will send you a Happiness Bluebird button for your blog or other website that will lead your readers back to her blog where they can get free Happiness Bluebird printables, write their ideas and enter the contest!
Happiness matters.
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