many more to go!I am, of course, referring to my To-Do list. I keep so many lists, so many little scraps of paper, here, there, everywhere. I make a list, I lose it. I make a list, I forget I made it. I make a list, I'm just too tired to do anything. Anyway.....I got one thing checked off, something that's been on my list since Christmas: framing my
Tollipop print! I had planned to take it to Michael's or Hobby Lobby and have it custom framed. Then I decided I would find a frame and do it myself.
Well, last week, frames and mats were on sale at Hobby Lobby, so I went in Friday intent on buying what I needed. I looked and looked without really seeing one I liked. I decided to look on the clearance aisle and found this frame marked down from it's original price of $30 to $6!!! YAY! It's way big and scuffed up, but I think the scuff marks add to the appeal of the print. I got two different sized mats in two different colors, and, thankfully they worked well!
I really like the way it turned out! Next step.....hang it high!