This sweet baby is Bailey.
Bailey came into our lives 6 months ago today.
He was only with us for 3 days.
It's amazing how someone so small can touch so many hearts.
CaSandra, Bailey's mommy. (The silly man beside her was trying
to see which one of them had the bigger belly.
I think he won!)
Me & Bailey about an hour after he was born.
Someone said, "Some people go a lifetime without seeing an angel, but we've held one in our arms.
The day he passed away, I went to work, crying,
and my friend, Nancy, really encouraged me.
She told me that God sent Bailey to show us what love really is.
And I truly believe that.
I wrote this poem a few weeks later.
You Showed Us Love
By: Me
You were here for just a moment,
then, too soon, you were gone.
God called your name and wrapped you in His arms;
then, he brought you home.
He knew our hearts were breaking,
He knew we would shed many tears.
He knew that we would miss you,
in the coming years.
We didn’t understand it:
why did you have to go?
Even now we still don’t understand,
yet, in our hearts, we will always know:
You were our bundle of joy, our dream come true,
a sweet gift from Heaven above.
You were sent down here to bring joy to our lives
and to fill our hearts with love.
You filled our lives with wonder
and memories that can never be erased.
We’ll hold each one close to our hearts
and remember you with each passing day.
In Loving Memory of Bailey Scott Davis
September 16, 2008—September 19, 2008